UNIX tip of the day
Thanks to my coworker for showing me this: pbpaste | c++filt | mate I use this to take...
Running AppleScript commands from the Terminal.app
I found some pages on the web on how to run an AppleScript from the terminal, but this...
More fun with symbols
I found some very useful environment variables you can set on the application you are debugging when you...
Adobe Scripting Additions
I’ve been getting warning messages in my Console log stating the “Adobe Unit Types.osax” has deprecated functions. Then,...
Xcode Script Menu and P4
Here is another way that I am able to check out a file using the Xcode Script Menu...
Getting rid of build directories
I wanted to get rid of the “build” directories in my source folders before prepping my source folders...
Setting a boost shared_ptr to NULL
If you need to set a boost shared_ptr to NULL, then you can do it like this: boost::shared_ptr();...
How to switch between a header file and implementation file in Visual Studio
There used to be a button that would toggle you between the header file and implementation file that...
Copying a project file to a known location
Within a Visual Studio C++ solution, you can copy a file to a known location as part of...
I found this useful tool, thanks to my coworker, that is an alternative to using the otool tool:...