Bungie + Activision = Kick Ass MMO!
Ah hah! I knew these guys were up to something when they signed an exclusive deal with Activision,...
Used high school girls’ panties
Yup. This one is surely an interesting read: Everyday differences between Japan and the U.S.
What’s wrong with this code?
I love reading code like this: int IAmGoingToReturnAnInt ( int* gimmeSomeData ) { int munchMunch = *gimmeSomeData; ++munchMunch;...
Detecting memory leaks in Visual Studio
This is a good reference for me since I have to do this on occasion when I switch...
Using regular expressions with Visual Studio
Today, I began using regular expressions to change a whole bunch of code. However, what I learned from...
You’ve been locked out!
For some strange reason, my network account would be locked by the domain controllers on the network and...
The iPhone development continues
I’m having the darn-est time with this UIPickerView thing. I created a table view that has 4 rows....
I actually implemented a large if, else if statement on the Mac with no problems. Go to compile...
Thanks again!
Thanks again to the same co-worker who showed me how to do a large search and replace in...
Performing a large search and replace
Thanks to my co-worker for showing me this really cool trick in TextMate! I have this project I’m...