For me, probably one of the first things I start to do whenever I create any application is toy around with the icons I think I’m going to use for the app.
Now for the iPhone, I couldn’t easily find an article in the documentation about the specs for icons. How big are they supposed to be? What format should they be in? Where should the be stored?
In the old API, Carbon, you would use a resource editor to manage these images and the icon size is right there in the program.
Even in Cocoa, the icon editor program actually gave you the sizes that you are supposed to use. That’s pretty easy!
But what about the iPhone OS? Couldn’t tell you.
I found some examples on the web from other developers, but it bothered me that there was nothing written by Apple. But then, as I read the “iPhone Human Interface Guidelines” did I see the chapter titled, “Creating Custom Icons and Images”. Now to me, I thought this had something to do with non-default images, but to my surprise, the icon sizes I was looking for was right there:
- App icon: 57 X 57
- iTunes app icon: 512 X 512
- Small app icon: 29 X 29
- Toolbar and navigation bar icons: 20 X 20
- Tab bar icon: 30 X 30
Also, the images should be saved as PNGs.
You forgot the iPad.
iPad app icon
Size: 72x72px
iPad Application Icon for Spotlight search results
Size: 50x50px
iPad icon in the Settings app
Size: 29x29px
iPad Application Custom Document Icons
Size: 64x64px & 320x320px (large)
Thanks for the info Alf!
I recently did a post expanding on the listing of necessary icons and images for mobile apps, you might find it useful:
Thanks for the link Tony!
I’m sure other developers will appreciate this info.